9:00 AM09:00

Keynote Talk at Software Engineering 2023

The German Software Engineering conference took place in 2023 in Paderborn. I was very honoured to be invited as keynote speaker to talk about continuing education. The talk and slides were in German

Die digitale Transformation aller Lebensbereiche und Industrien ist in vollem Gange und benötigt viele Fachkräfte. Die aktuellen Hochschulabsolvent*innen decken diesen Bedarf bei weitem nicht. Durch Umwälzungen in anderen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise der Elektrifizierung in der Mobilität, werden dagegen andere Kompetenzen nicht mehr gebraucht. Stattdessen sind Kompetenzen in Software und Künstlicher Intelligenz überall gefragt. Dafür werden maßgeschneiderte, flexible Programme zur Fortbildung im Software Engineering benötigt. Diese Keynote berichtet von zwei Beispielen, wie dies realisiert werden kann:

(1) Wir bieten eine modulare Grundausbildung Software Engineering für die Industrie an. Hier werden Mitarbeiter*innen von Unternehmen mit existierender Hochschulbildung auf den Einsatz in Softwareprojekten geschult. Dieses Programm umfasst Vorlesungen und Übungen an ein bis zwei Tagen über ein ganzes Jahr,  Abschlussklausuren und zwei Projektphasen. Hier haben bereits knapp 70 Teilnehmende aus der Industrie in vier Jahrgängen das Programm durchlaufen.

(2) Studierende und Promovierende können Microdegrees an der Schnittstelle von Künstlicher Intelligenz, Software Engineering und Anwendungen erwerben. Den Rahmen dazu bietet die Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA) gefördert durch das MWK Baden-Württemberg, das Forschung und Lehre an dieser Schnittstelle verbindet. Es können flexible Microdegrees erworben werden, die diese Kombination von Software Engineering und Künstlicher Intelligenz enthalten und sich insbesondere auch an Nichtinformatiker*innen richten. Damit werden diese Kompetenzen Basisfähigkeiten für alle Fachbereiche, erhöhen die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Teilnehmenden der Fortbildung und reduzieren den Fachkräfte-Mangel. Dies unterstreicht die praktische Relevanz des Software Engineerings in der Praxis und zeigt den wichtigen Beitrag, den Universitäten hier leisten können.


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12:00 PM12:00

Talk "Test Suite Evaluation and Optimisation" at VW Seminar "Code Analysis and Beyond"

  • Software-Engineering-Beratung Prof. Dr. Stefan Wagner (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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to Feb 28

Software Engineering 2020

The Software Engineering conference is the premier academic and industrial conference for Software Engineering for Geman speakers.

I can present the PeerJ Computer Science paper by Rainer Niedermayr, Tobias Röhm and myself on inverse defect prediction. You can find the open access article here.

And here are the slides:

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9:00 AM09:00

First International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering 2019

Emad Shihab (Concordia University) and me are bringing together the international community working on using bots in software engineering for the first time.

Bots (short for software robots) are software applications that perform often repetitive or simple tasks. In particular, social and chat bots interacting with humans are a recent research topic. Similarly, bots can be used to automate many tasks that are performed by software practitioners and teams in their day-to-day work. Recent work argue that bots can save developers' time and significantly increase productivity. Therefore, the goal of this one-day workshop is to bring together software engineering researchers and practitioners to discuss the opportunities and challenges of bots in software engineering. We solicit 4 page, research, experience report and position papers. Research papers are expected to describe new research results and make contributions to the body knowledge in the area. Experience reports are expected to describe experiences with (amongst other things) the development, deployment, and maintenance of bot-based systems in the software engineering domain. Position papers are expected to discuss controversial issues in the field, or describe interesting or thought provoking ideas that are not yet fully developed. Papers will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Accepted research and experience report papers will be invited to give a talk to present their findings. Authors of accepted position papers will be invited to give a short lightning talk. Papers may address issues along the general themes, including but not limited, to the following topics:

  • Using bots to derive software requirements and documentation 

  • Using bots in the context of the reliability and quality of software systems

  • Using bots to support software system release and deployment

  • Using bots to enhance and support testing & maintenance of software systems

  • Supporting and answering developer questions using bots

  • Using bots to ensure the safety, security, privacy and trustworthiness of software systems

  • Effective processes for the development of bot-based software

  • Privacy and ethics issues related to the use of bots in software systems

  • Issues in the interaction of bots and developers and other stakeholders

  • Experiences using bot frameworks in software systems

Submission information and more details can be found on the workshop page.

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to Dec 7

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2018

I gave a talk at the Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2018 in Sindelfingen, Germany. It is a meeting of practitioners in the development of embedded software systems. I was presenting work we did on developing safety-critical systems in an agile way. In particular, I presented our Scrum variant that includes the safety analysis method STPA as well as our combination of BDD and STPA.

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to Nov 2

European STAMP Workshop and Conference 2018

This is the sixth edition of the European workshop on everything around the system-theoretic analysis and modelling process proposed by Nancy Leveson. I give the talk Yang Wang was supposed to give on using Behaviour-Driven Development in combination with STPA to discuss and test safety requirements. This talk focuses on how we can make this more efficient. The big question at the end for me is whether we will loose the communication benefits by this.

Here are my slides:

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9:00 AM09:00

Industry Workshop "Managing Non-Functional Qualities in Agile Projects"

SINTEF organised an interesting industry workshop in Oslo on non-functional qualities such as security, scalability and safety play a role in agile projects. I was invited to talk about our work on using system-theoretic analysis (STAMP/STPA) for safety, security and privacy analysis. 

Here are my slides:

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9:00 AM09:00

Doctoral Symposium at XP 2017

I have the pleasure to be chairing the doctoral symposium at the XP 2017 conference. Please find the call for research proposals below:

Agile software development is a mainstream approach in software engineering. Therefore, software engineering research is and should be involved in understanding and improving agile practices. We can now look back at an impressive amount of work on agile software development, empirical and methodological. Yet, there are still many open questions out there and agile software development has not stood still. Newer practices and approaches need to investigated scientifically. Yet, choosing the right research methods and strategies can be a difficult endeavour.

This doctoral symposium should be a help to PhD students who already or plan to conduct research in the wider area of agile software development. Experienced researchers from the board of advisors will review the research plans from PhD students and give them detailed feedback and guidance. The most promising research plans will be invited to be presented at the symposium where the students can get more direct feedback in the discussion. Furthermore, we will have an interactive session at the doctoral symposium with all present PhD students and advisors to work on their abilities to develop research plans.

Participation in the symposium is being solicited at three levels:

Participants are doctoral students, preferably at a mid-point in their dissertation work (i.e. are at least 12 months from defending their dissertation, but have at least a preliminary research design), who will present their work at the symposium and receive feedback from a dedicated mentor from the board of advisors, the other symposium advisors and other attendees.

Those wishing to be participants are asked to submit a paper (up to 6 pages following the LNBIP template) on their research plan including:

  • Title and abstract 
  • Introduction (motivation, rationale, background) to the research
  • Description of issues or points on which the author would like to get the most advice on
  • Relevant prior work (foundations, relevant research results, research gap this work tries to fill)
  • Research objectives, questions and hypotheses (with rationale)
  • Research approach, study design and arrangements
  • Data analysis methods and techniques
  • Validity threats and their control
  • Summary of the current status of the research and planned next steps

Participants in the symposium are required to:

  • submit and present a research plan,
  • review and comment on up to two other research plans, and
  • act as a scribe in one review session.

All papers must be submitted through  https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/XP2017 in PDF format. Papers are limited to 6 pages, must be written in English and be formatted according to the LNBIP templates. Papers not following the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.

Apprentices are also doctoral students, but at an earlier stage in their studies. Apprentices will attend the symposium and are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters, and will benefit from the feedback given to other students.

Observers are any other members of the agile software engineering research community who would like to attend the symposium. NOTE: Any observer or symposium advisor who is serving as a dissertation advisor to one of the participants is "kindly requested" to not speaking during the presentation and discussion of their student's work.

Important Dates 

16th January 2017 23rd January 2017 : Deadline for research plan submission

15th February 2017: Notification of Acceptance

28th February 2017: Camera-Ready Copy Due

22nd May 2017: Symposium

26th May 2017: Session notes sent to participants

For further information, please, send a message to stefan [dot] wagner [at] informatik [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de , Title´s tag: [XP DS].

Board of Advisors:

  • Stefan Wagner, University of Stuttgart (chair)

  • Daniel Méndez Fernández, TU Munich

  • Darja Smite, Blekinge Institute of Technology

  • Davide Taibi, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen

  • Laurie Williams, NC State

  • To be extended




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to Feb 24

Software Engineering 2017

  • Courtyard Hotel Hannover (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The German Software Engineering conference by GI is taking place in Hannover this year. Besides being session chair, I'll present our work on the relationship between personality traits, programming styles and programming productivity.

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to Nov 26

Workshop Datenschutz im Internet of Things

Wir haben im Frühling zusammen mit dem Kollegen vom Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme ein von der BW-Stiftung gefördertes Projekt zum Thema Datenschutz im Internet of Things gestartet. Das Projekt heißt Privacy in Stream Processing (PATRON).

Wir veranstalten im Rahmen dieses Projekts nun einen ersten Workshop, um insbesondere mit Praktikern und allen Interessierten typische Internet-of-Things-Szenarien zu diskutieren und die Datenschutz-Anforderungen herauszuarbeiten.

Um den Workshop inhaltlich anzustossen, konnten wir zwei hervorragende Sprecher gewinnen:

Jorge Cuellar (Siemens)

Simon Burton (Bosch)

Beide sind Experten bei ihren Firmen im Bereich Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Sie werden uns einen Einblick in deren Aktivitäten geben.

Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen. Wir bitten nur um eine Anmeldung unter info@patronresearch.de.

Die offizielle und detaillierte Einladung finden Sie hier.

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9:00 AM09:00

DGLR Software Safety Workshop 2016

I was very happy to be invited as a speaker to the 2016 DGLR Software Safety Workshop. In this workshop, avionics experts discuss experiences and advances in software safety. I presented STAMP/STPA as a general approach and our extension to it for connecting it to verification activities such as test case generation and model checking.

My slides are below:

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to Aug 25

Eighth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID 2016)

  • Hotel Mercure Brussels Center Louise (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a conference I served on the programme committee for several years now. I'm honoured to be part of the advisory committee now. If you do research or want to share practical experience in the area of software testing, please consider submitting!

The submission deadline is the 4th April.

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to May 27

XP 2016

The International Conference on Agile Methods and XP takes place this year in lovely Edinburgh. I am running an experiment with Sebastian Baltes about the effects of sketching on program comprehension and were able to present to posters supported by two lightning talks.

Here are the slides:

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to May 22

38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016)

  • Renaissance Austin Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The International Conference on Software Engineering is the premier conference for academic software engineering research. Although I won't be able to attend this year, I was honoured to serve in the programme committee of the research track.

We have a poster on our recent changes in our software engineering practical course. It describes the use of a budget model to give feedback to the status of the students and how we handle iterative development.

Furthermore, we have several papers at co-located workshops still under review.

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6:00 PM18:00

German Requirements Night

The first German Requirements Night in Munich aims at brining requirements engineering specialists together in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss current topics.

I will give a talk on the results of our practice survey Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering (NaPiRE). I will provide the slides here.

You can find details on the German Requirements Engineering here.

For details on NaPiRE see als http://www.re-survey.org.

And here are the slides from my talk:

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6:00 PM18:00

Software Engineering 2016

  • Imperial Riding School Renaissance Vienna Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The German-speaking software engineering conference comes to Vienna this year. Their web site is here. The concept of the conference series has been for some years now not to present original papers but give talks on papers already published elsewhere. A good step I think. Now we just need to go all the way and just ask for abstracts. Why should we only hear talks about old stuff?

Anyway, I'll give a talk on our results from the Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering initiative. I'll present the design of the survey and our first results from Germany, but I will also peak into the results we have from the second run which was replicated in 14 countries.

My talk will take place on Wednesday, 24th February, at 14:00 in the room Rechte Pirouette.

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9:00 AM09:00

1st Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering

Die Kollegen Bernd Brügge, Lukas Alperowitz (TUM), Horst Lichter, Andreas Steffens (RWTH Aachen) und Dirk Riehle (FAU Nürnberg) veranstalten zusammen mit der SE 2016 in Wien den ersten Workshop in Continuous Software Engineering.

Ich darf sie dabei als Mitglied im Programmkomitee unterstützen.

Sie können bis zum 13. Dezember Beiträge einreichen.

Details finden sich unter: http://cse2016.swc-rwth.de

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11:00 AM11:00

Talk at Prof. Maalej's group at the University of Hamburg

I'm meeting with Walid Maalej and his group at the University of Hamburg. We are discussing collaboration possibilities and in this talk, I'm reporting on the research at my group with some details on recent results in naming the pain in requirements engineering and the relationship of type-3 clones and faults.

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